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What are the maintenance and cleaning methods for glass electric kettles?

During use, users need to regularly maintain and clean glass electric kettles to ensure that they remain clean and sanitary. When cleaning, use a mild detergent and sponge to gently wipe the inside and outside of the kettle to remove scale. Avoid using hard cleaning materials such as steel balls, as these may scratch or damage the glass surface.

If water stains remain after wiping, users can use some common household acidic substances. For example, mix vinegar or lemon juice with water, pour it into the kettle and heat it up, then rinse it thoroughly with clean water. This method can not only effectively remove scale, but also keep the inside of the kettle clean and sanitary.

After cleaning, the kettle should be placed upside down to allow the inside and outside of the kettle to dry thoroughly, preventing the growth of mold and bacteria and prolonging the life of the kettle. At the same time, regularly check the kettle's heating element and wires for signs of damage or aging. If any problems are found, stop using the kettle immediately and seek professional repair services to ensure the safety and performance of the kettle.